PCES Inner Circle
Full support for you and the people you help. All payment options come with a 14 day FREE trial.
What you'll get:
- Live Q and A session once a month
- Live Q and A with experts (advice and networking)
- Multiple experts in the group to help you
- Safe and comfortable place where we can troubleshoot our own issues
- Client case studies
- Exercise breakdowns
- Business and personal growth
- Additional CEU courses for free and discounts on other courses by other professionals
- Complete tutorials on how all the tech stuff for business growth works (including SEO, facebook pixel, sales funnel setup, in person and online business growth)
- 3 free memberships to all my online programs to sell to your clients. (Includes: Pelvic Floor Perfect, Happy Hips, Diastasis Fix, Posture Perfect, Perfect Preggers and all the MomFit workouts.)
This is a subscription series and will automatically bill after 14days. Please cancel before the 14 days if you do not wish to continue. A small processing fee will be applied to all refunds on automatic renewals.